Why, hello there! I’m Sabrina, the woman behind the brush, pen, woodburner (whatever happens to be my poison of choice at the time).

I started handlettering in 2016 just before my first son was born. I wanted to make an “easy” baby book using kraft paper, washi tape, polaroid photos & pretty lettering. Although my baby book wasn’t sustainable long-term (let’s get real, how many baby books actually get done?), I did pick up a definite love of handlettering that I have been expanding & refining since then, branching into watercolor, woodburning & digital art.

A few fun facts about me: I’m an engineering manager by day & lettering is my side-gig. I have two amazing, adorable, perfect (totally unbiased here) little boys & a pretty spectacular husband. We live just outside of Phoenix, AZ with our corgi pup & grey tabby cat. I have an obsession with tea & love plants even though I’m not fantastic at keeping them alive.

I never considered myself an artistic or creative person always being categorized as “technical” & “analytical” as an engineer, but I’ve found that I LOVE having a creative outlet & am able to apply principles from art to engineering & vice versa. Plus, it’s incredibly gratifying bringing someone’s vision to life or seeing my art in someone’s nursery, living room, kitchen, office, etc.

One of my goals is to bridge the gap between analytical & artistic, technical & creative. Science, engineering, math: they’re incredible & deserve to have their beauty shown & appreciated.

Now that you know a bit more about me, I would love to get to know a bit more about you! Head over to the Contact Me section to shoot me an email!